More about Günter Ludwig


Günter Ludwig was born in  Rosenthal, Peine Germany in 1950. He started drawing when he was 13 years old inspired by Goya and Rembrandt. In 1967 he started painting with oils and in 1973 after graduating secondary school he starts studying mechanical engineering design. He continues his studies (1975-1979) for becoming an industrial designer. He had already started exhibiting his drawings and oil-paintings and introducing etching in his work.  In 1978 he exhibits his etching work for the first time. During 1979-1984  he becomes gradually a free-lance painter and graphic designer and sets up his own workshop for etching. In 1982 he does his last oil-paintings and in 1983 his last etching of that period in order to attend a nine-month scholarship in Worpswede, Germany for hand painting and printed graphic art. In 1984 he was chosen for the scholarship  “Märkisches Stipendium” for drawing and printed graphic arts. During the period 1984-1987, he works also a designer and industrial photographer.  In 1985 he completes the series of black and white photo works of loose objects, Angie-cycle and Landscapes. In 1987 he founds the “PAN_Design” advertising agency. Parallel to his activities he continues exhibiting in Germany concentrating mainly on photography and digital picture. Since 1989 he is a designer for publicity and advertising photography. From 1997 he started working also on digital-video-film as well as book and catalogue illustrations. 

Photos:  courtesy the artist

Coming up

Günter Ludwig


© athina's 2020

2001 Springe, Germany and partnertown Niort, France commune exhibition with Günther Ludwig and Andreas Rimkus,

1984 Biennale of Artists from Hanover, Kubus Hanover/ drawings

2000 “Expo 2000” in Hannover Germany – digital pictures promoted by Regiobus Hannover

1999 “WORLD LIGHT FAIRY-TAILS”, Wunstorf abbey, Wunstorf, Germany /based on theme illustrations and variations 

1998   “WORLD LIGHT FAIRY-TAILS”, Paulmann Licht GmbH, Springe, Germany/ base on theme illustrations and variations 

1997 ” Condenced idiomatic pictures across European cities” inauguration of the itinerant exhibition, Springe, Germany digital pictures

1992 Gallery Zörnig+Mock, Hanover, Germany / photo works 

1992 Photo-Gallery Bordenau, Germany / 105 large-sized drawings, photo works

1999  “Death dialogue between Sethos and Ramses”

1998 “Artist Andreas Rimkus – sculptures”

1998 “Drops” ,to a poem of Roland Schreye

1998 “The Chinese wedding wardrobe”

1997 Günter Ludwig illustrations to ” In wind flight words”

1997 Günter Ludwig New Pictures

1997 Günter Ludwig Layout to   “In wind flight words”



1999 “Bild & show G. Ludwig – digital pictures” 2nd CD-ROM 

1999  “Thinker in the bus “, CI for REGIOBUS GmbH Hanover, Germany 

1997 Interactive CD-ROM-project  about the artist Günter Ludwig from Germund Mielke


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