Printmaking,  Visual Arts

Günter Ludwig: Could transhuman angels guide us out of the eternal human trauma?

In his current catalog, Günter Ludwig penetrates the current era of transhumanism. He affirms the need for human enhancements resulting from science and technology to overcome physical and mental limitations but also set limits.

I remember the day I visited Ludwig in his studio in 2019. We had a long discussion about his current work that still goes on till today. Fascinated by the transhumanism philosophical movement, he was already working on depicting his vision of a transhumanity free from ethical limitations and religious morality. Humans have the right to develop with a clear notion, skills which will evolve them higher than their current physical and mental limitations.

Based on ancient Greek mythology, Plato refers to human creation as a complete disaster. Zeus, father of all gods entrusted to Titans Epimetheus (the “after-thinker”) and Prometheus (the “fore-thinker”), the distribution of traits to all the newly created specimens. By the time it was man’s turn to receive a positive feature, last of all species, Epimetheus had found out that he had nothing to offer. In the act of kindness to humankind, Prometheus stole from God’s creativity and fire. Zeus demanded the retraction of this action, which Prometheus rejected. For this blasphemy against the higher power, he was banned to a rocky mountain and sentenced to lifelong suffering.

What Plato describes reveals a sad truth behind the birth of humanity. Our existence has never been an act of kindness, love, and altruism from the part of our creator. Ever since his presence, man carries the stigma of inferiority among other living specimens, which leads him to act like an outcast “child.” He treats his environment with ruthlessness, pollutes and burns down the planet, kills, and terrorizes other living creatures, even other humans. By revealing his psychological trauma, he subsides his anger and profoundly cries out for help in proclaiming his role and position among his “father’s” creations.

At this point, Ludwig sets the limits of modern humanity’s evolution by introducing his transhuman angels. Prometheus stole from goddess Athena creativity (science) and from Hephaestus fire (technology), which, according to transhumanism, represent the core values of human enhancement. In consideration of scientific advantages in human biology, Ludwig visualizes the creation of a new species by humans: the transhuman angels. They look amazingly social, beautiful, kind, surrounded by a veil of dazzling light. By introducing in his current work, the transhuman angels, as human creations Ludwig disputes the roots of transhumanism as being inadequate. He claims that progress and rationality aren’t enough for humanity’s enlightenment.

The 21st-century transhuman era is still characterized by humans’ religious drawbacks, anger, and inferiority complex to their creator. Driven by their ongoing emotional instability, resulting from a profoundly problematic “father-child” relationship, humans seek to come closer, be like, or even surpass their “father”. For Günter Ludwig, transhuman angels are the spitting images of their creator but also carriers of human catastrophe.

In Franz Kafka’s novella “The Metamorphosis,” Gregor serves his family unconditionally all through his life to the extent of his gradual transformation into a “monstrous vermin.” For Ludwig, each act of reaching our creator still carries our psychological trauma. It is a step deeper into our autistic seclusion and self-destruction. Modern man can’t conceptualize that the closer he tries to get mentally and physically to his “father” the higher is his inability to comprehend the metamorphosis on him. Every physical and mental evolution that doesn’t relate to a psychological development or doesn’t provide answers to piled up existential concerns of humanity is doomed to fail. Behind their angelic faces, Ludwig’s angels hide the same unemotional, detached character of their creator and their creator’s “father.” 

As long as enlightenment is based solemnly on progress and rationality, excluding the healing of humanity’s psychological trauma, the danger of humans losing their identity can’t be excluded.



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